Ouroboros is a manifestation born of The Hell Within, an animated psychological horror short film. “Ouroboros” shows that eventually, we will slowly consume ourselves. All the sins, evils, and abominations that we keep trying to hide will someday haunt us, and when that time comes, we will realize that we are the demons we have always feared. Under Maternal Disaster blessing, the short movie is produced by Afterlab and assisted by the electronic music duo Bottle Smoker and an experimental musician Deathless Ramz as sound designers and Yas Budaya from Alone at Last, fulfilling all the voice-over needs with his incredible vocal works. Even though they come from different roots and genres, these three collaborators can prove their musical skills in creating scores, foleys, and characters’ VO with haunting and otherworldly nuances.
Phela Lovenza
Burhan Amaludin
Firman Rohmansyah
Dannus Darmawan
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